Giving students the opportunity to think creatively is very crucial to an elementary classroom. Teachers must provide their students with lessons, activities, and assessments which encourage creative thinking. I feel that when students are given the opportunity to learn subject content through a variety of teaching styles, they retain more information. Teachers must get to know every student and become familiar with their diverse learning styles.

I feel that because teachers often decrease creative thinking in the classroom, many students’ are missing out on prime learning opportunities. Teachers must allow students to independently use their own insights and experiences to problem solve. By providing students with creative approaches to learning doesn’t mean that teachers have to water down their lessons. Lessons which encourage creative thinking provide students with the ability to gain knowledge from a variety of learning styles.

It is only natural for teachers to find themselves wanting to teach their students in ways which they learn best. A teacher who is a visual learner will probably feel more comfortable teaching students who are also visual learners (as compared to those who are audio learners, for example). I think that teachers may feel that they can relate better to those students with similar learning styles because they likely process information the same way. Teachers may lack the confidence in certain areas which particular learning styles are predominately needed. Though teachers may feel more comfortable teaching students whom they perceive to possess the same learning styles as them, doesn’t mean that they should limit their teaching styles in the classroom.

            Teachers have to learn ways to cater to their students’ different learning styles. Teachers can differentiate their instruction and provide every student the opportunity to use their own personal strengths while learning in the classroom. Students can learn more and retain knowledge by being subjected to a mixture of teaching approaches which meet their diverse needs. A variety of teaching approaches, as well as one-on-one instruction with every student is important.